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Utilities/Check Balances - totals not balancing



After manually altering pay history figures

This message can appear if you have manually altered some figures in the employees pay history, but have not made the same changes in the department history, or vice versa. If you have done this, you will need to correct the figures.

Alternatively, if you do not split any single employees pay between departments, you could use the force balance option to copy the employees totals to the department totals. Only do this if you are sure the employees totals are the correct ones.

The procedure for this is:

  1. Ensure you have a current backup of your data.
  2. Be sure that the employees totals are the correct ones.
  3. Select "Utilities" from the top menu in Payroll Pro and then choose "Force Balance" from the drop down list.
  4. Read any messages and follow any instructions given.


Other causes of this problem

The figures in your payroll might also not balance if you have a data corruption caused by a computer problem when totals were last updated. In this case you may need to go back to the previous pay period. Anything you have done since will be cleared. If you use this option please follow any instructions and read any messages carefully.

To undo the last update totals:

  1. It is suggested you exit all programs and restart your computer first. This ensures there is nothing else running on your computer which could be causing a problem for your payroll.
  2. When your computer restarts, run Payroll Pro again.
  3. From the top menu in Payroll Pro, select "Utilities"
  4. From the drop down menu, select "Undo Update Totals"
  5. Read all messages carefully, then tick all three boxes and click "Roll Back Now"
  6. VERY IMPORTANT: after undoing the "Update Totals" you will need to click "Update Totals" again to bring the payroll back to the
    current time. If you don't do this then the payrun you have gone back to will not be finalised and would be missing from the records.
  7. After updating the totals again, you can have a look at the Pay History for one of the employees where you should see the latest
    payrun showing.